Why You Should ALWAYS use a Registered Contractor for Your Home or Business

Sep 14, 2019
Why You Should ALWAYS use a Registered Contractor for Your Home or Business

You should ALWAYS use a registered contractor to carry out work in your home or business and always ask for a completion certificate or some proof of accreditation to the national standards after the work is complete.

This practise extends to all sorts of working requirements but is exceptionally true when it comes to working on water and energy systems. If you don’t do it, you are putting yourself at risk and they are breaking the law.

Here are some reasons why it is imperative to hire a registered contractor for your home or business:

The Contractor is Registered

Registered contractors have gained experience and knowledge through proper training and legal processes. They put in the time to obtain the appropriate licenses and permits from authorized government offices, after passing the licensure test.

They know what they're doing.


Most registered contractors will offer liability insurance to protect you, your family, and your home. Liability insurance is a means to protect yourself from any system of device malfunction that may lead to harm, either to the building or to you. A registered contractor is going to offer reputable insurance for you.

All Regulations are Met

Registered contractors have been trained to understand and meet all requirements set by the city council and the federal government. They will schedule inspections to make sure your home meets every single quality requirement and passes all safety examinations. This can become very important when the time comes to sell your home.

Systematic Operations

Though this may sound like a given, not all contractors follow the steps necessary to complete a project safely and on time. Registered contractors, however, follow a specific, systematic approach to their projects.

Ensured Completion of the Project

Registered contractors will take responsibility if something goes wrong; ignoring or running away from mistakes can result in the loss of their licensure. Trust registered contractors, to stay with you until the projects are finished and you are satisfied!

Certification Bodies

Power Right Energy Fire & Security have achieved the following quality and industry awards demonstrating that quality and compliance is a key objective of our company:

  • EQA
  • PSA
  • Safe Electric

Some people prefer the lower-budget option of handling any device integration or systems repair by themselves, or by hiring unregistered contractors. However, when it comes to something as important as fire, energy, and security systems, the cheapest routes are not always the safest routes. While both of these options can save money, they can also put homes and families at risk. Hiring a registered contractor may cost you a bit more, but it is a long-term investment that will eventually save you time and trouble.

Moreover, if you hire an unregistered contractor and he falls off a ladder while doing work at your business or house, you’re liable. An unregistered contractor will cut corners and leave you exposed to possible dangers. If you’re looking for an exceptional registered contractor in Ireland offering multiple products and extensive services, Power Right Fire Energy & Security offers you a reputable and certifiable service.

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