What Challenges Do Businesses Face When Choosing EV Charging Solutions?

Mar 18, 2020
What Challenges Do Businesses Face When Choosing EV Charging Solutions?

Electric cars are certainly growing in popularity around the world. In Ireland, for example, over 4,000 EVs were registered in 2019, roughly 3.5 times the amount registered in the previous year. With the government providing incentives – up to €5000 grant on new purchases – the number of electric vehicles on the road is expected to keep going up.

In light of the expected growth, the pressure is growing on many businesses, including shopping centres, hotels, and gas stations to make it convenient for people to charge their EVs. Already, electric vehicle owners have access to 1,200 public charging points put in place by the Electricity Supply Board (ESB) in Ireland. However, some of these charging stations are at times not working. In addition, people have to register for a card to use with these car charging stations.

Installing EV charging stations at business places would fill these shortfalls within the network of ESB charging points. But there are a few challenges that can complicate the process of choosing the right EV charging solutions.


One of the hurdles businesses might face in setting up EV charging points on their premises is that of having the expertise on hand to install them. To begin with, an ideal spot on premises for the charge point has to be identified and this is not always easy. The installation must also take into consideration the provision of enough power to support the charging station and whether the installation will be in accordance with Irish laws and regulations.


While there are a number of companies developing charging stations for electric vehicles, the quality of such equipment is not necessarily the same. For example, some vehicle charging stations are able to provide fast charging, replenishing up to 80% of EV car battery power in 30 minutes. On the other hand, some charging points require hours of charging to deliver the same result. Furthermore, there are charging stations that tend to break down regularly, which can be highly inconveniencing to people with EV cars. For these and other reasons, it is important to research the best quality vehicle charging points for your business.


Maintaining an EV car charger can also be a challenge as expertise in this area is still developing. Proper maintenance is needed to prevent breakdowns and costly damage to equipment, so the right professionals will need to be sought.


Setting up a car charging station is a good way to attract EV car owners to your business. However, it can be costly if you fail to do prior due diligence. Not only do you have to think about the initial cost of purchasing and installing the electric car charging point, but it is also necessary to factor in the cost of maintenance.

Now that you are aware of the main challenges businesses face in trying to choose EV charging stations for their premises, how will you proceed? A good next step is to get in touch with the team at Power Right Energy Solutions Limited. The company, through a partnership with EasyGo, the largest private charging network in Ireland, is able to source and install suitable EV charging points. They can also coordinate with property owners and site managers to identify suitable charge point locations. Power Right can also provide consultancy services for businesses who are using their own contractors to install car charging stations, and also provide maintenance services.

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