Gate Automation: Most Important Pre-Purchase Tips

Mar 25, 2021
Gate Automation: Most Important Pre-Purchase Tips

Gate automation is one of the most popular solutions to improve and protect your home privacy, ensuring a safer and more secure environment, free from unwanted intrusion. Besides, an automatic gate is more convenient to enter and exit as you do not have to physically open and close it.  

There are some things to consider prior to buying electric gates. Here is a list of pre-purchase tips and questions to help you with this process:


What is the size of your gate?

Determining the size can help you understand what electric opener suits your needs and how much power needed to operate the gate’s motor.

How does it open?

Another thing to keep in mind is the gate opener type. You can choose one of these: automatic swing, automatic sliding or automatic dual gate opener. The last-mentioned type has a double operating system. It is suitable for small gates.

How much does your gate weigh?

Its weight depends on the material your gate is constructed from. You have to consider the weight as gate openers can only work up to a particular number of kilograms. 

How big are the gate columns?

Their size can affect your choice because most automatic gate openers attach to the column. Make sure the columns are sturdy and large enough to accommodate them.

What is the temperature range?

Automatic gate openers often have to function in extreme temperatures. Make sure the chosen gate automation system can handle them.

What is the traction and running spree?

Traction and running spree define the performance of the system. Gate openers should feature a pulling force of 500N to 700N, with motors that work at 11 cm per second.

How will you power the electric gate?

Consider the power source you are going to use. Gate automation can operate by solar panels, AC power and battery backups. Some electric gates incorporate all three power sources. Thus, your automatic gate will stay powered constantly, even when the power is off.

Is there AC power at your installation place?

In case you choose AC powered gate automation, make sure you have electricity available at the location of your automatic gate. Both sliding and swinging electric gates need to be powered by AC by plugging into your electrical main. 

How often do you plan to open and close your gate?

The more often you have to use the gate, the more power it will require. If you open and close your gate frequently, it increases the mechanical wear of its moving parts. Consider buying a heavier-duty gate opener that can withstand stress and damage.

Is there a backup battery?

Usually, high-quality gate automation systems contain backup power. Backup batteries prevent the gate from getting stuck in the open or closed, which would be incredibly inconvenient.

What happens when your gate hits an obstacle?

Almost every gate opener can stop and reverse if they detect a human, car, or another obstacle. The gate can locate an obstacle using infrared photo beams. Otherwise, a heavy electric gate may cause property damage or significant injury.

Are the controls out of the reach of the gate? 

Nobody should try to go through or cross the path of a moving gate. Keeping the controls at a distance allows preventing people from getting hit while operating them. 


If your property has a front gate, you may consider installing a modern automatic gate to take your home security and convenience to a new level. Today’s gate automation systems suggest high-tech features and remote controls.

When choosing your best gate opener, pay attention to the gate’s weight, columns, temperature range, emergency release feature, controls location and power source options. 

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