How Effective is an Intruder Alarm System?

Mar 29, 2020
How Effective is an Intruder Alarm System?

The Coronavirus pandemic is forcing many business owners in Ireland to leave their premises unattended for extended periods. Unfortunately, not everyone is staying inside as recommended, so there is an increased risk of burglaries happening. In times like these, an effective intruder alarm is a must. But how effective are such systems in preventing break-ins and robberies?

Statistics show that Ireland recorded a detection rate of 18% for burglaries in 2018, so crime is always a concern. Keeping your property safe requires care in choosing and installing the best alarm systems.

There are various types of commercial alarm systems to choose from for your business. They include:

  • Wired and wireless intruder alarms
  • Bell-only alarm systems
  • Monitored burglar alarms

Each system comes with its own pros and cons. The effectiveness of each depends on a range of factors such as where they are used, the build quality if they are properly installed and how well they are maintained. In other words, the effectiveness of any burglar alarm system is dependent on the people using it. That said, intruder alarm systems are effective in the following ways:

Providing peace of mind when away: Apart from the current disease outbreak, there are many other reasons why a business owner may have to stay away from their property. With a well-planned and functioning alarm system in place, you are less likely to worry about theft or someone vandalizing your business place if you have to leave your premises unattended.

Acting as a deterrent and preventing theft: Most criminals will abandon their mission to enter premises or steal something valuable if an alarm goes off. The same is true if they realize they are being monitored. As such, you can stop thieves in their tracks before they are able to do damage or cause losses to your business. You want your alarm system to be well-placed and loud enough to be heard by passersby for maximum effectiveness.

Making it easier for criminals to be caught: Many thieves and other criminals are never caught because they are able to carry out their deeds undetected. An effective intruder alarm system can quickly draw attention to the acts of an invited guest, leading to their apprehension. Some monitored systems are even linked to external recording sources. This can make it easier for the authorities to identify and arrest criminals after they have gotten away.

Lowering insurance premium: Installing an effective commercial alarm system on your premises can also have a positive effect on how much you pay for property insurance annually. You can save even more with a monitored commercial alarm system, as this suggests a further layer of security which will be appreciated by insurance companies. Of course, how much you save on insurance depends on your provider and the actual policy. However, whatever you save can help to offset the cost of your intruder alarm system.

Whether you own a financial institution, an office building, or other commercial property, warding off would be burglars is a top priority. Installing an effective intruder alarm system can assist you in keeping your premises and its contents safe.

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