What are the Benefits of a Monitored House Alarm?

Jul 15, 2020
What are the Benefits of a Monitored House Alarm?

Installing an alarm system is a great idea if you want to have peace of mind in your own home. But should you invest in a self-monitored alarm system or one that is monitored remotely? There are advantages and disadvantages to both. Before diving into the benefits, let’s talk a bit about monitored house alarm systems.

What is remote alarm system monitoring?

Having a monitored home security system installed simply means that a triggered alarm will also send an alert to an off-site monitoring station. This monitoring station is often a security company that operates 24 hours, every day of the week, and is always ready to respond to signals that suggest an emergency situation. This type of monitored system typically involves an alarm panel that is programmed to immediately contact the central monitoring station if an alarm goes off in your home. Monitored alarms include a variety of security systems, including:

  • Fire alarms
  • Panic alarms
  • Open and Close protocols
  • Duress alarms
  • Intruder alarms
  • Flood detection

Now that you know a bit more about monitored house alarms, let’s look at five benefits.

1. Speedy response

Rapid response stations set up by many home security companies ensure speedy response when there are emergency situations they can respond to. They may also alert the fire service, police, or medical personnel to ensure you get quick attention from other first responders.

2. Protects lives and property

This is the biggest benefit of any alarm system and is the main focus of having a monitored house alarm. The aim is to provide the quickest response to emergency situations to minimize loss of property and life. In many situations, the people working at monitoring stations are often better trained to react quickly and make decisions that will result in safeguarding human life and home contents.

3. Savings on home insurance

Many insurance companies will offer you lower insurance premiums if a monitored house alarm system is installed. This is especially true for monitored alarms that include smoke detectors since fire is one of the leading causes of damage to property.

4. Your home is still protected when you are away

If there is no one around, a break-in, fire, or other emergencies at your home can be quite devastating. At the very worst, you could lose a lot of valuables, suffer extensive damage or even total destruction to your home. With alarm system monitoring in place, there is a better chance of protecting and saving the contents of your home if you are not there.

5. Can save you money on alarm components

Installing fire and intruder alarms, and other security components individually can be rather expensive. However, many companies that offer alarm system monitoring tend to bundle the cost of the equipment with the monitoring fee. In many instances, you pay nothing or very little for the hardware and installation, only needing to pay the monthly or yearly monitoring fee, which can save you a bundle on the initial cost of buying and installing an alarm system.

A monitored house alarm comes with several distinct benefits that may make it more suitable as a comprehensive security measure. If you have questions about fire alarm installation and monitoring, you can count on Power Right for help.

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