Security Benefits and Types of Intercom Systems

Aug 22, 2021
Security Benefits and Types of Intercom Systems

Intercom systems are an effective access control tool and an essential part of protecting your home and business. Such systems allow fast communication between rooms and even buildings as well as visitor validation before letting them enter the building. Selecting the best intercom for your needs is not easy as there are many considerations to be aware of.

An intercommunication device is a stand-alone communication tool used within a home or a business building. It is a two-way communication device that transmits and receives audio/video communications. Intercoms have come a long way from being a basic security tool to a rather sophisticated security solution.


Security Benefits

So, how can intercoms increase the security of your home or business? 

Easier Screening

Audio and video intercoms make it easier to screen visitors. 


They make general communication more convenient as you do not have to get up to let someone into your or home. Just push a button to see who is standing there at your door or gate intercom and let them in or deny the access. 

Monitor Children 

It is easy to keep an eye on your children. Depending on the type of intercom, you can communicate with your kids through video and audio to ensure everything is fine while you are away.

Integrate with Existing Equipment

Many intercoms can integrate with existing security equipment in your office or home. 

Deter Criminals

If potential criminals see that you have devices in place, they are less inclined to victimise you and your business colleagues or your family. 


Intercom Types

There are many different intercom types. The following are some of the most popular options to consider choosing from:

Wired. This intercom is wired into your building, usually during construction. It might be expensive to add to an existing structure.

Wireless. It requires radio frequencies, 4G data connection or Wi-Fi for communication. Such options are easier to set up and use.

Carrier-Current. This type uses your building's existing electrical system to communicate. Usually, it is cheaper than a wired system, although it is also quite susceptible to interference.

Mobile Connection. Mobile connection intercoms allow controlling the device through an app on your phone. Most modern wired or wireless intercoms feature this function. So, it is possible to see and communicate with people both at home and on the go.

Audio and/or Video. It is also essential to decide if you are comfortable with audio-only or you wish to see the people with whom you're communicating. Many home and business owners like the added security and peace of mind that video intercoms provide them. However, video systems are typically more expensive than audio-only ones.


Automatic Door and Gate Entry

Door and gate intercom systems are similar to other systems, except with a few more features. In addition to audio, automatic gate entry systems can lock and unlock gates and doors remotely. Modern security systems that have cameras let you see who is on the other end.

Usually, these are wired systems due to the distance required to reach from the front gate to the house. Smaller door intercoms that attach to your front door can be wireless if they stay in the range of the building’s Wi-Fi signal.


There are many different types of such systems. For example, the most popular are wired or wireless intercoms, audio and/or video intercoms, door and gate intercoms. Depending on your specific requirements and preferences, there are pros and cons to each of these types. Nonetheless, mobile connection and wireless intercoms are currently some of the most affordable and popular options to consider. 

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