Servicing & Maintenance: What? When? Why?

Oct 07, 2020
Servicing & Maintenance: What? When? Why?

Faulty, outdated or ineffective fire equipment and security systems can cause some serious trouble and risk in the case of an emergency situation. So, it’s critical for both home users and businesses to go through routine service visits to ensure the proper work of their fire safety systems and security systems.

What are servicing and maintenance?

Maintenance involves checks of functionality, repairing and if needed replacing of necessary devices in industrial, business, governmental, and residential installations. They distinguish “Preventative” and “Corrective” maintenance.

The first one means verifying the equipment continues to operate in accordance with its specification. The second – investigating and repairing faults reported by the owner.

Servicing is a series of maintenance procedures performed at a set time interval; it gives a systematic inspection of the equipment. The result of such a procedure will be a detailed report on the condition of your equipment and recommendations. 

What can be done at home?

There are some fire and security equipment any homeowner may need to maintain and service regularly. The easiest thing to do is to check the components individually, change the batteries on time and ensure that all the parts communicate properly with one another. 

Perimeter Checks

It is a good idea to walk around your home once in a while and to check the locks on all the doors and windows together with the sensors above them. Don’t forget to change the batteries for your wireless sensors on time.

Control Panel

Usually, a panel has a “test” mode you can use to run a self-diagnostic. In case you use a monitoring service, let them know beforehand so that they do not send the police unit to your door. Moreover, inspect the panel visually for any signs of damage. 


If you use a CCTV security system, it is important to examine cameras every day. Make sure they are powered, aimed properly, and the image is recorded appropriately.

Fire Extinguisher

It is suggested to have a fire extinguisher on every level of your home. Check the gauge on these extinguishers every month, and get them serviced if they seem low.

How does it work for businesses?

In case you operate a business, the procedure of servicing and maintenance should involve not only the work of your internal staff but also routine service visits of the professionals. 

Here are some things you may need to consider checking:

Some of the most common problems with security systems and fire safety systems are false alarms, incorrect programming of fire alarm panels, calibration issues, not functioning security locks.

Even though some of these problems require the help of a service technician, you can still avoid many of these issues by conducting a regular maintenance check.

  • Check the lock contacts to make sure they are clean and operate properly
  • Check the connections of your CCTV security system and clean the lenses of the cameras
  • Make sure you haven’t missed any software updates that could influence the work of your system

Security systems and fire safety solutions help to keep your home and business safe, but without regular maintenance, they may not save your property in case of emergency. To prolong the lifespan of your fire safety system and security system and to guarantee their efficiency, you should plan the servicing and maintenance of your equipment annually.

Professional routine service visits usually include visual inspection of all your system devices, sensors and alarms, their cleaning (if needed), applying any software updates, a “walk-test” of the system to ensure that test signals are transmitted and received by the monitoring station.

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